I then thought back over the previous month and if anything jumped out at me in terms of spending money. And I realised that there have been some purchases over the last month which although I enjoyed at the time, in hindsight they were probably not the best money spent ever.
And I wonder why I feel like we’re never going to hit our target.
Firstly, some bullet journal stickers. Now, these haven’t actually arrived yet but I ordered them from Etsy earlier in the month. In all honestly, I am looking forward to these coming. I am not the best at creative designs and think that I will enjoy using these in my bullet journal. But were these a good purchase? Probably not.
Reason why I bought them: In a moment of weakness with two poorly boys, I was browsing Instagram when someone posted about these. I had a look at the shop and wanted some. The power of social media I suppose! Note to self: don’t buy just because someone else made it look good.
Next, two bags from Primark. In my former life, my thing was bags. I never liked to go clothes shopping as nothing ever looked good. I’m not bothered about make up in the slightest, nor shoes. No, bags were my thing. I could go to the shop and find multiple bags that I would like to buy that very moment. I still own quite a few. In fact, one day I would like to own a Mulberry bag. But, I was in town with Frugal Baby and had some time to kill before meeting a friend. A dangerous situation. I was wondering around and popped into Primark to have a look. Then, I spied one bag which will be good for returning to work and then another that I just liked. £20 later, I’d bought them both.
Reasons why I bought them: I was passing the time before I met my friend. So boredom perhaps? Because I have a bag that I use for work that is perfectly acceptable still. And the other one? I don’t even have a particular reason for it, I just liked it. So, don’t wander round town just for the sake of it. It ends up with me buying something I don’t need!
I thought I’d never type this either, but the next thing were some brownies that arrived in the post. Yes, you read that right! Mrs Frugal herself bought brownies made by someone else to arrive in the post. I’ll be honest though, these might have been the best brownies I have ever eaten. And I’ve eaten a lot of brownies. There were 12 in total, with a variety of flavours. Another lesson from this is that I can’t have that many brownies in my house and not eat quite a few. I’m not even sorry about it! They were very, very good.
Reasons why I bought them: I know exactly why I bought these. I was tired, and hungry and feeling a bit frustrated. I’m an emotional/stress eater [isn’t everyone to some extend?] and I have been following these on Instagram for a while. Maybe I need to stay off social media more? Though I don’t entirely regret this purchase, as they were blummin’ amazing.
A Dominos takeaway. Ah, the bane of my life. I love pizza. Love it! And no, it’s not Slimming World friend 😉 I know that. But one night, after a particularly long day with two grumpy boys, and I could not be bothered to cook. Couldn’t even face going into the kitchen. I knew that it was buy one get one free [as it always is on a Tuesday] and it didn’t take me long to persuade Mr FC either.
Reasons why we got this: Tiredness. That’s it. I was tired and still under the weather from having chicken pox and just couldn’t’ be bothered. For times like this, I need to have more home cooked ready meals in the freezer, so that I can just ping one in the microwave.
A pineapple t-shirt from Mark and Spencer. Now, I haven’t even worn this t-shirt yet so I guess technically I could take this back to the shop. However, it is lovely and summery and will look great with a pair of jeans and some sandals. But, I’m supposed to be streamlining my wardrobe, not adding to it! It only cost £9.50 so it’s not going to break the bank, but another purchase that wasn’t planned.
Reasons why I bought this: I’d actually gone into the shop to exchange an outfit for Frugal Baby that someone had bought him that was too small. So, I did need to go into the shop for a genuine reason. I then happened to walk past the t-shirt and it caught my eye. When I saw it wasn’t very much, I didn’t even question it. Didn’t even try it on!
So yes, some fairly pointless spending in the last month. Must do better!
Have you bought anything recently that you shouldn’t have? I’d love to hear your confessions in the comments!
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It’s amazing how being I’ll and tired affects your spending habits so much! I am exactly the same. When I am tired I can’t think logically or rationally and it’s all about whatever is easiest..
Hopefully you are having a better month now.
Good read Mrs Frugal. I read your blog regularly and admire you for the discipline you have with spending and saving. Although it does leave me wishing I could be so disciplined, it seems un-achievable. However, you also spend too, and unplanned. I feel normal. So thanks.
I will say though that reading you blog has transformed my mindset from spending to saving to the point where I am hoping to live within my means. Thanks for the motivation.
I’m not disciplined all the time – far from it! And I’m glad that I provide you with some motivation 🙂