Every month I like to set myself aims for the month, to keep myself focused and to make sure I actually use the time during the month wisely! There are two sets of aims: Finance and Personal. July worked out in our favour but August’s aims have been much harder to make, purely because of venturing into the unknown.
Financial aims for August:
– Have 18 No Spend Days (or NSDs)
– Overpay our mortgage by something
– Put £400 into savings
Although I hit our NSD for July, I’m reducing it slightly for August. There will undoubtedly be some unexpected spending during August, due to lots of variables, so 18 might even be slightly high. But, I shall try my best! Our mortgage overpayment targets have changed again; I want to continue overpaying but I don’t know if we can commit to a certain number at this stage. I’m sure by the end of August we’ll have a better idea of expense/income ratio is and therefore September will be easily to forecast. Lastly, I want to have a savings target but this might be widely optimistic, I just don’t know! I’m hoping to hit this; £400 doesn’t seem a lot even with the reduced income, so I’m going to keep my fingers crossed.
Personal Aims for August:
– baby.
This is where I really struggled to write anything for personal aims, apart from baby. The only thing that we’re focusing on this month is the new arrival. The safe arrival of our baby; nothing else particularly matters. Then, finding our feet as new parents and not being pressured into anything by anyone, just finding our own way which works for our little family. There are going to be so many people, all with different ideas on how we should do things, but we need to do things our own way. No doubt we’ll have lots of visitors, so time will be precious and a bit of self preservation will need to take place. Here’s to August being the best month yet!
Do you have any aims for this month? What will challenge you the most? I’d love to hear from you!
My aim for August is to essentially have a no-spend month. I have no needs aside from essentials (food, etc.) and I’m going to try to spend as little as possible to make up for some serious spending on vacation earlier this summer!
Good luck with your no-spend month; it sounds like it could be a great challenge 🙂
It’s August already. Yay! One month left before we are ber months. I and my wife would increase our savings for the preparation for the Christmas season as this part of the year is the most expensive. We’ll be stricter when it comes to budget and see what we can do in meal planning to save a little bit more.
Good luck with meal planning; we do that each week which really cuts down on spending and food waste.
Great goals. 18 NSDs….come on…You’ve got it!
Sorry, I hit enter too soon on the last comment haha I’m sure with at least 18 NSD you will be able to put more than “something” on your mortgage. It should be enough to make a solid dent. Just stay focused and you will be able to knock it out of the park! Best of luck on a great August!
Bert, One of the Dividend Diplomats
I’m hoping to get 18 NSDs, so hopefully a new baby won’t scupper those plans! Hope you have a great August too 🙂
18 no spending days sounds like a great challenge. Good luck, will check back later on how you did.
Thanks! Do you track your no spend days?