Hello August! Is it just me, or is 2017 going really quickly? How is it the eighth month of the year already?! August is always a good month as I’m off work 🙂 I work in education so August is always the summer holidays in the UK. Hopefully the weather will be good and me and Frugal Baby can do lots of outdoor exploring.
Talking of Frugal Baby, he is 2 years old on the 7th August. How on earth is he 2 already?! We’re going to have a little party for him with family members. He doesn’t really have any friends to invite yet, bar one 🙂 I’m hoping him and his Mum will come along too. We’re still at the stage where he doesn’t quite understand what is going on and it is unnecessary to have a big party for him at this stage. Next year we might not be so lucky as I think he’ll be much more aware of what his birthday means.
So, apart from important birthday celebrations we don’t have very much planned for August. I have my twenty week scan though, where we’ll find out whether we’re having a boy or a girl 🙂 I’m almost half way already! Hopefully we’ll be able to be outside playing in the garden for a lot of it, if the weather is nice. Now that it is much more child friendly, we need to spend time in it 🙂 plus Frugal Baby loves being outside and running around. He’s a very active child, no sitting around here.
Financial aims for August:
– Have 15 No Spend Days (NSDs)
– Overpay our mortgage by £50
– Put £700 into savings
The dreaded NSDs. Although I hit my July aim for NSDs, I am still not confident about them at all. I know that when I manage more NSDs, my budgeting is better and I save more. However, I suppose the more I do with Frugal Baby, the more chances there are to spend. As always, I am continuing with plodding along with mortgage payments, though I am aiming for less. This is because I want to continue building my investments and dividend income. The savings aim is the same as last month, as I suspect August might end up being more spend-y than originally planned.
Personal Aims For August:
– be in bed by 10pm every night
– list 10 things on ebay
– sort out my wardrobe and either keep/charity/ebay/throw out stuff
Lately it feels like I’m getting more and more tired (like growing an extra human is hard work) and I also feel like I’m getting to bed later and later on an evening. I need to get back in the habit of getting into bed before 10pm each night. It means I can read more of my current book and also start to relax and hopefully sleep better. Like I put last month, I have quite few clothing items that I keep meaning to get listed on eBay. Any extra pennies for the pot will help in my savings aim, plus I want to get some savings for any extra baby things we might end up buying. Finally, and this links into the second aim, I want to sort out my entire wardrobe and have a clear out. I need to decide what I’m keeping, what I can eBay, what can go to charity and what just needs throwing out. I’ll feel so much better once that’s done!
What are your aims for the month?
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