I’m a recent newbie to your blog but have really enjoyed reading your posts. Despite my enjoyment of your posts I’m glad to see you prioritise you health first. Others reading this will admire your openness and who knows maybe your next successful venture will to be blogging about mental health.
Take care, be kind to yourself and I look forward to your you posts in the future when you are ready again.
Hi, just remembered l was going to do a guest post for you and made me search back and see check in to see if you are ok and if things have got better? Keep prioritising yourself! Big hugs x
I’m a recent newbie to your blog but have really enjoyed reading your posts. Despite my enjoyment of your posts I’m glad to see you prioritise you health first. Others reading this will admire your openness and who knows maybe your next successful venture will to be blogging about mental health.
Take care, be kind to yourself and I look forward to your you posts in the future when you are ready again.
Didnt want to read and run! Hope alls Ok with you all
Brizzle xx
Hi, just remembered l was going to do a guest post for you and made me search back and see check in to see if you are ok and if things have got better? Keep prioritising yourself! Big hugs x