Hello February! A new month, full of hope and adventure. February is a shorter month, which always seems to fly by, but there’s still plenty to do. We’ve got a couple of nights away booked in the middle of the month which will be nice. I’m also hoping to do some decorating as I want to do a bit of freshening up in our living room. There’s also work to be getting on with and weekends to relax in.
Every month I like to set myself aims for the month, to keep myself focused and to make sure I actually use the time during the month wisely! There are two sets of aims: Finance and Personal. January was a good month for us financially, but not quite so much personal wise, so I’m hoping February will be better.
Financial aims for February:
– Have 18 No Spend Days (or NSDs)
– Overpay our mortgage by the interest added on only
– Put £700 into savings
Although I met the NSD target for January, I have lowered the target for February, mainly due to the fact that February is 3 days shorter. I’m still positive I’ll hit this though! Like last month, our mortgage overpayment will just be in the interest added only as I’m happy with how that is going for now. Although we absolutely smashed our target for savings yet again in January, I have kept our savings target for the month the same. This is because we are going to have to spend money in other areas this month, so it might not be so easy to hit this month.
Personal Aims for February:
– bake something
– eat healthily
– research new sofas for the living room
As I failed miserably in January to bake anything, I’ve kept this aim on here for now. I must be able to do something, right? It comes down to having to be more organised I guess, so I need to remember to factor in some baking time! Rather than say diet, or lose so many lbs, I’m just going to focus on eating healthily, everything in moderation so to speak. As I want to freshen up our living room, one of the things that will help this no end is a new sofa for us but I haven’t really looked at any yet. So, I need to do some research in prices, styles and colours to see what would fit well in our room. The sofa we currently have was given to us second-hand 5 years ago and it’s time for a change.
Do you have any aims for this month? What will challenge you the most? I’d love to hear from you!
P.S are you on twitter? Follow me here!
Sounds like some good goals for February. A new couch will be pretty exciting! We’ve only ever had hand me downs too.
I know – it definitely makes me an adult to be excited about a new sofa, right? 🙂