Hello February! I can’t believe that we are already into the second month of the year. January flew by, so as February is a shorter month, I’m sure it will too. February should be relatively quiet for The Frugal Cottage household. We have got a couple of family days out planned which should be lovely. Other than that, nothing else planned, so far!
February always seems like a bit of a nondescript month. Nothing particularly exciting. Still kind of miserable and gloomy. Though Spring is round the corner, it still seems a while away. Especially when getting up in the dark! Lots of things plodding along in the background too, which I am hoping to share soon.
Financial aims for February:
– Have 20 No Spend Days (NSDs)
– Overpay our mortgage by £50
– Put £1000 into savings
I almost hit my NSD aim for January, so I am keeping it the same in February, in the hopes I can hit it! Although that only leaves 8 spend days, I am optimistic at this stage. I am continuing with plodding along with mortgage payments, though I am aiming for an even smaller number. This is because I want to continue building my investments and dividend income. The savings aim is huge but it’s what I need to be consistently hitting. I didn’t meet it in January so I’m going to try even harder in February!
Personal Aims For February:
– start my sourdough starter kit
– launch Frugal Cottage Coaching
– start to get rid of some of my clothes
As I didn’t complete any of these in January, I have kept these the same for February. I also need to get better at managing my time I think, as it seems to slip by so quickly. By the time Alfie is asleep in bed, I get about an hour to myself before I’m so tired I can’t focus on anything any longer. I need to make the most of that time and also at the weekends when I have a bit more time to get things done.
So, here’s to February being great! What are your aims for the month?
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Some good aims here! Oh and do get the starter … started! as young Master Frugal grows up making bread together will be good 😀
My aims for February – get back to basics and try and clear some debt!
The idea of making bread with Frugal Baby is a lovely one, thank you for suggesting that 🙂
Nice aims! I got rid of some clothes at the end of the year and it felt great. My aims for February, first of all kick this flu I’ve had for a week. Then, get my finances in order. Including starting an annual and monthly budgeting system.
I hope you are feeling better soon 🙂