One of the easiest ways of working out bills is to look at your direct debits. Most household bills, such as gas, electricity, water rates, internet, tv and council tax are there as a direct debit. This will mean that it is a fixed amount that goes out of your account each month. But, you can make some changes to these if you look around!
This is where the app ZIPZERO comes into play. It’s an app that can help you reduce your monthly household bills – by up to £50 a month. That would be such a great amount to save each month. Especially on something like gas and electric, which can often be expensive, especially in the winter months. If you hit the threshold every month, then you would save £600 a year! Now, if you’re a regular reader you’ll know just how much I like to save money, so this sounds like such a great idea 🙂
The process is simple; once you’ve downloaded the ZIPZERO app, then the way you accumulate your money off is by scanning receipts. So, anything you buy through our day – no matter how big or small – just get a receipt for and then scan it into the app. ZIPZERO then rewards you with at least 1% of the value towards a bill payment. How simple is that? So, if I went to do the weekly shop at Morrisons, all I would do afterwards is scan the receipt using the app and then get some cash back on that which could be put towards my council tax bill.
The good thing about this is that you don’t have to remember to do anything whilst in the shop either – you don’t have to scan anything, or put in a code or anything. You just need to remember to get a receipt at the end of it which you then scan in. I love that you don’t have to remember anything extra when going shopping; you can just do what you normally do and then think about it afterwards. Even those impulse purchases can be used in a positive way! Not that I’m suggesting that should be too often 😉
You can currently use the rewards in the ZIPZERO app towards:
- electricity
- gas
- telephone
- internet
- tv
- council tax
- water
and you can make a payment towards these at any time! Even if you haven’t hit the £50 threshold, you can add whatever amount you have in the app towards a bill of your choice. Any receipt counts, so long as you’ve spent in a UK retailer, as it’s a UK based app. You need to scan the receipt within 7 days of purchase for it to count, plus it can only be for a personal purchase. So when I pop to Asda for milk on a night as I notice we’ve suddenly ran out, again, then this can all be added in. Also, if you pay for these things by direct debit, like I do, then you can use the app in combination! So, if you use your ZIPZERO funds to partly pay your bill, then your direct debit will adjust so it’s the reduced amount. This is because you’ve already paid some using your ZIPZERO funds. So you can even reduce your direct debits, over time 🙂
So, you’re not going to get rich by using ZIPZERO but you can save some money! And any money saved on monthly bills is fine by me; it’ll help our ultimate dream arrive sooner which can only be a good thing! £600 over a year is a great amount to save on those pesky monthly bills, especially something like council tax which you can’t change. It also wouldn’t take long to do either; a quick scan of your receipts on an evening and you’re done! Minimal effort, plus it’s free to download and free to use as well 🙂
Do you like the sound of this? Let me know!
Collaboration with ZIPZERO.
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Oh, this sounds great! I already use Shoppix and ReceiptHog – both of which I scan household receipts into to gain vouchers ( slow but free money – yay!) so another way to earn money just through scanning receipts sounds great to me!
It’s so simple!