The thing I’m talking about?
Your gas and/or electric bill! Every homeowner/renter has to pay money each month for their gas and/or electric usage, as it is a vital part of 21st century living. You use your lights, oven, hot water and heating most of the year round, so it is a bill that is always going to be on your budget, no matter what age or style of living you have. There are the occasional exceptions, but the majority of adults will have this bill in their budget.
However, how do you know where to start? It is easy just to stick with the same company year in, year out, as the direct debit just rolls over from month to month. But, as gas and electricity prices are continuously fluctuating, it is good to check that you are getting the best deal for your household.There are so many companies to choose from, so many different tariffs to consider, that sometimes knowing which one to choose can be quite confusing. However, there are many comparison websites for you to choose from that will look at the best options for you. These include:
Any of these will do comparisons between different tariffs and companies, to you can see just how much your current bill compares to what you could be spending each month. The amounts vary so much from company to company, even if on the surface, it seems like you are getting the same deal from both of them. I wonder how they justify the difference in prices? Even an increase of £5 onto a direct debit means you end up paying an extra £60 a year, for seemingly nothing better. The good thing about price comparison websites is that is look at all of the current providers for electric and gas, not just the big four companies that everyone knows about.
We managed to reduce our monthly direct debit recently from £93 down to £56, which makes a yearly saving of £444, every month/year, until we decide to change again. It is best to check on an annual basis that the current tariff you are on is still the best deal for your household. If not, switch it! It can take a few days for the process to be complete, but then it is just as straightforward as before. We pay ours by direct debit each month, which comes out on the same day as the rest of our direct debits.
An easy way to save over £400 in less than 20 minutes! How often do you check your gas/electricity tariff?
car and house insurance is out big thing for calling here, to try and save money. We don’t have the flexibility like you guys do with our utility bills/companies. However we do make a point of calling companies where ever and when ever we can. Good post.
Are there not as many companies to choose from? Calling and checking is a good plan though 🙂
We have switched a couple of times (and the last time our current provider matched the lowest other offer!), hmm does the “Simples” do energy as well? (wanders off to check out furry animals!)
I believe so! 🙂