Another month is over! I don’t know about anyone else, but 2014 is flying by for us. At the end of the month I like to do a reflection on how the month has gone and reflect on the aims I set at the beginning of the month.
July has been good for us in terms of money. We have spent more in July than June, because we had our house insurance to renew, plus we’ve been on vacation as well. But, we knew this would be the case and have budgeted for accordingly.
July marks the second month of blogging and I’m still really enjoying it. I like reading financial blogs and I’m also enjoying the process of coming up with blog posts and then writing and posting them. I love reading comments that people take time to leave and they often conjure up other thoughts to do with how people manage their money. I now have 89 followers on Twitter and I have had 4,115 views on the blog at the time of writing this post.
Our Financial Aims for July were:
– Have 18 No Spend Days (or NSDs)
– Overpay our mortgage by £350
– Put £600 into savings
In terms of our financial aims, they have not gone to plan this month. I have managed to have 17 NSDs in July which is short of our aim for the month. This is due to spending time with friends and also being away on vacation. We’ve managed to overpay out mortgage by £394.95 which is more than our aim. I’m pleased about that but I’m wondering about changing our plans for overpaying (again) so watch this space. I’ve only put £300 into savings this month which is only half of our aim. I’m disappointed by this, but know why we haven’t hit our target, which is half the battle.
Personal Aims for July were:
– lose 5lbs
– bake at least twice
– go out for a bike ride at least twice
I haven’t lost 5lbs but I have lost 2lbs which is a start. I think I was too optimistic with 5 lbs in a month, so it’s better than nothing. I haven’t baked anything again; work has been so busy that I haven’t felt like it at all. Finally, I’ve been on 1 bike ride, so again, not that great here. I think I’ve lost a bit of motivation lately, and need to get it back!
How was your July? Have you hit your aims? I would love to hear about it!
P.S do you have twitter? Follow me here!
Well with one day to go, I checked in with hubby last night about how his earnings looked for July. We budget on $2400/mth and he thinks he will be $3500 this month. Woot! All the extra goes to debt or maybe some debt and some emergency fund. I need to figure that out. Nice problem to have though! Better than how it was for us during Q1 of this year.
Very nice problem to have 🙂 well done you! Here’s to August being just as awesome.
I’m kind of in denial that July is over! I haven’t even had the time to assess how it went! 2lbs is great, especially with a vacation in the same month!
Thank you! It’s crazy how fast this year is going.
I haven’t sat down to look at the numbers yet, but July just felt like a lazy month that went by too quickly.
It has gone by far too fast; it’ll be 2015 before we know it!
17 is pretty darn close to 18, and for being on vacation, I think that’s great! So is losing 2 lbs! I hear you on the bike rides; I would really like to go on more walks, but I haven’t been since Saturday.
Thank you 🙂 I am determined to make all goals this month – watch this space 🙂