Every month I like to set myself aims for the month, to keep myself focused and to make sure I actually use the time during the month wisely! There are two sets of aims: Finance and Personal. June wasn’t that good for personal aims so I’m hoping that July will be much better.
Financial aims for July:
– Have 18 No Spend Days (or NSDs)
– Overpay our mortgage by £350
– Put £600 into savings
As we’re going on holiday towards the end of July, I want to make sure we have enough spending money whilst we’re there; hence the NSD target. Again, I really do believe that having spend free days during the week really helps us meet our NSD target each month. Our mortgage interest is just over £300, so if we overpay £350 it means we pay off the interest every month and a little more on top. Again, I’ve decided that because we hit £600 in June, there’s no reason to not be able to do that in July as well. These savings are going to be put towards our holiday, which is a massive incentive. If we don’t use them all, then they’ll go towards a new bathroom as ours desperately needs re-doing.
Personal Aims for July:
– lose 5lbs
– bake at least twice
– go out for a bike ride at least twice
As I totally failed on my personal aims for June, I’ve not changed them much for July. I really need to get back into my healthy eating – I was doing really well in May but I’ve totally fallen off the wagon during June. Planning will help me to do better in this during July. Again, I didn’t bake much in June either and I want to do more of that in July. I really enjoy baking but haven’t done that much recently, mainly due to time constraints but I want to make more time for me this month, as well as balancing work commitments in the mix. And, last but definitely not least, to co-inside with the healthier eating, going on bike rides will help to lose the 5 lbs I’m aiming for in July.
Do you have any aims for this month? What will challenge you the most? I’d love to hear from you!
P.S are you on twitter? Follow me here!
Yes, I have goals for this month and one of it is to lose some extra weight and to stick a healthy diet. I just started going to the gym again after a year, hopefully I will be more consistent this time. Good to know that you love baking, I don’t have talent for that. 🙂
Good luck with your weight loss! Do you have any particular things to help you with it? And I love baking and eating cakes 🙂
Best of luck with the July goals.
Losing 5 pounds might be tough; that’s more than one pound per week. But even if you’re only able to lose 2 or 3 pounds, that’s the start of something great. 🙂
Best wishes!
That’s true – losing anything will be a plus this month I think 🙂
Those are some great goals Nicola. I’m looking forward to reading about your progress! I could do with setting some personal goals too and I think dropping 5lb could be a good start! I’m trying to eat healthily but I can only manage a few days before giving in at the moment.
Good luck with your goals this month! Those are some great financial goals. In my ideal week, I only spend money three out of seven days. I need to get back to baking, too. I used to love doing it, but for some reason I’ve lost interest lately.
18 no-spend days sounds great. I think that is a great way to curb expenses. I have thought about doing this as well-just haven’t committed yet. You will have to let us know how you do!
I will do! 🙂
My goals are pretty similar to yours. I would like to get a little bit more exercise and eat a little bit less! =)
Eating less is definitely a goal for me but I find it so hard – I’m finding more and more than I’m an “eat when stressed” person which isn’t that helpful at the moment…!
I’m headed to Montreal in July and every time I go home, I spend more because of all the meet-ups and social events. So my aim is to contain the spending as much as I can. Best of luck with your goals this month!
Good luck with your goals – having a social life can impact on finances, right? 😉