Hello July! We are now officially over half way of 2018 – how is that possible?! And this is a day later than normal, due to my site being in maintenance mode over the weekend.
And that is because I have a new site design! I’m so pleased with it. I started The Frugal Cottage over 4 years ago now and I have said for a while that I wanted to get a new design for the site. Something clean and simple, but in keeping with the colours of my brand. Well, a couple of months ago I had a great month for side hustle income so decided it was time. And I love it! What do you think?
However, there’s something that I’m not pleased about; my maternity leave has ended 🙁 I have loved (almost) every minute of being off work with my two boys, but it has come to an end. I’m trying not to dwell too much on the fact that they are with someone else whilst I’m at work and I can’t give them cuddles if they cry. Both boys are spending time with their grandparents whilst I’m at work and they’ll have a great time.
July is a fairly quiet month for us, so I’m hoping that I’m going to be able to reign in our spending. In fact, I’m aiming for a No Spend Month again, to get us back on track. If you fancy trying it too, then pop over to my Facebook group where there are lots of us having a go in July!
Financial aims for July:
– Have 20 No Spend Days (NSDs)
– Overpay our mortgage by £85
– Put £600 into savings
I am so hit and miss with NSDs at the moment. But, I am determined this month to be better (hmm, haven’t I said that before?) and hopefully will hit this. If my No Spend Month goes to plan, then this should be easy! The overpayment aim is going to stay the same each month throughout the year. The savings aim is the same as last month, as we are still feeling the effects of being on a reduced household income.
Personal Aims For July:
– have 20 days on plan on Slimming World
– finish reading Friend Request
– get my hair cut
I’ve set myself a little (personal) weight loss target for over the summer, so 20 days on plan would be a fantastic start. When I stay on plan, it really does work for me so I just need to get my head back in the game. Friend Request is such a good book and I’m about 50 pages away from the end – I’m dying to know the ending! Would really recommend it if you like a thriller 🙂 and finally, my hair is in desperate need of cutting and I had intended to get it done before I went back to work but I’m not entirely sure where the time has gone? But yes, it really needs it.
What are your aims for the month? I’d love to hear them!
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Yes the new look is clean and yet cozy at the same time 😀
Hmm goals, keep on with the “not a diet, healthy eating plan”, try to get some tidying/clearing done, catch up on crafting and reading!
Thank you! And good luck with your aims 🙂