I have let my YouTube channel slide this past month as well; I just haven’t had time to fit everything in. When everything takes longer than you think, something has to give! I am hoping to get back into the swing of filming consistently as I was really enjoying doing something different. Plus, they’ll be useful to look back on to see how I was getting on.
My Financial aims for July are:
– Have 18 No Spend Days (NSDs)
– Overpay our mortgage by £185
– Put £300 into savings
No change here for the NSDs; it is a quiet month so I’m hoping that I will meet it this month. I will keep it updated in my trusty NSD tracker our mortgage overpayment aim will be the same each month from now on. And lastly, a very specific number into savings, which will be the same every month this year, I should think. Plodding along, slowly! Here’s hoping it gets back to normal this month a bit 🙂
My Personal Aims For July are:
– go to bed at a reasonable time
– have a salad every day for lunch
My early bedtime routine seems to have gone astray as of late, so I want to get back into doing this. I was enjoying reading before bed and then getting to sleep early, so I have no idea why I have stopped! So yes, back to this. Plus eating a salad at lunch time everyday will help with me getting some fresh veg into my system. Very much needed as of late.
Here’s to July being great! What are your aims for the month? I’d love to hear them!
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