The last time I did a Life Update post was early August, so I thought it was about time I did another! In the last one, I talked about Frugal Baby turning 2 and finding out that Frugal Baby #2 is also a boy 🙂
I’m now 28 weeks pregnant, so time is flying by. I’m definitely beginning to feel it, especially in my energy levels, plus I definitely look it now! 😉 I think it’s true that you show much sooner then second time round, plus are bigger overall. At this stage with Frugal Baby #1, I still only had a small bump. Bump is bigger this time! But, I’m getting lots of lovely movement which is so special 🙂 although I don’t always appreciate a kick to the bladder at 3am, it’s worth it.
I keep wondering how Frugal Baby #1 will take to a new baby. He loves other children and seems quite interested in babies. However, that doesn’t mean he’ll take to one in his own home? I’m hoping that if we involve him as much as we can, that he’ll be okay. We’ve been reading this book to him since we found out, so I’m hoping he understands a bit.
Autumn is clearly upon us now, and it’s one of my favourite seasons. I love it when the air gets cooler and the nights draw in. There’s nothing better than snuggling up on the sofa with a blanket and a cuppa. I love it! Frugal Baby has been loving all the fallen leaves too. They make such a good sound when ran through! I think I’d be quite happy to hibernate from October to March 🙂 someone shared a picture on Facebook the other day of a wood cabin with snow outside and a fire burning. It looks like my idea of heaven 🙂
Has anyone started their Christmas shopping? I am conscious that I should probably start thinking about it and looking around for presents. We don’t go overboard with presents and budgets for people. However, I feel like we should probably be more organised this year as I’m due at the end of December! I have a couple of ideas for people but that’s about it. I’ve got £24 in Amazon vouchers sat in my account, so that will help. I’m hoping to get another £20 in Amazon vouchers from Swagbucks to use as well.
Finally, if you didn’t see this post earlier in the week, I shared something exciting with you that I’m working on behind the scenes. I’ll be completely honest, I’m excited and nervous in equal measure about this! I think it’s natural to be worried about something new. What happens if no one buys it? What happens if someone buys it and then doesn’t enjoy it? All these thoughts keep going through my head! However, it’s now or never so to speak. There’ll never be a time when this wouldn’t be a scary thing to do. I am excited about it. It’s the next stage here at The Frugal Cottage 🙂
What about you? What exciting things have happened to you lately?Â
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I applied for Sr housing. I’ve been studying frugal living for the past 2 years.
Retired in August. Realizing I’m ready for living with less not just on less. I’ve decluttered. Excited but scared. I understand new beginnings.