I cannot be the only one that finds it hard to believe we’re already a third of the way through April already?! The last time I did a life update, we were still in the early stages of having Frugal Baby around and sleep deprivation was all I could think about. One of the things I miss the most is having a good night’s sleep!
But, Frugal Baby is now 17 weeks old and thriving. He is starting to chuckle when things amuse him and he’s beginning to reach out and grab things. He has a play mat similar to this one, which he loves being on. It can keep him occupied for ages! Plus he can try and grab the things that hang off it. Good for spacial development 🙂
Sleeping wise, he’s so much better than Frugal Toddler ever was. He continues to sleep in his Snuzpod which he loves, plus I do too as I can see him clearly when I’m laid in bed too. We are regularly getting a 5 hour block of sleep, which is good! I won’t complain 🙂
In other news, we were lucky enough to be featured in the Money section of the Sunday Times the weekend before last! We were interviewed in relation to our early retirement aims, along with a couple of different people who have already managed it. I do like getting the idea of FIRE out into the big wide world 🙂 we even had a photographer come and take a family photo of it, which proved tricky to get everyone looking at the right time.
Our finances are feeling a bit tight at the moment, but we have booked a holiday away in June plus the start of the month is when most of our direct debits are paid. We do need to reign it in slightly though, otherwise I might not be saving very much this month! I’m sure it will all even out in the end.
I must admit that I’m looking forward to the weather getting a bit warmer now. It seems to be cold, wet and gloomy for ages! Does anyone else feel that? I’m looking forward to getting outside in the fresh air! Frugal Toddler loves being outside and I’m hoping that will have a good impact on his sleeping habits too. It must do eventually, right?
Bullet journaling has been on my list for ages and I have finally got round to starting it this month. I am loving it! I wish I’d started it sooner now. I’m not the most creative or the artistic so it doesn’t look like many that are shared online, but I am so enjoying it. I am using this notebook for my journal plus these highlighters as the main aspects. It is helping me focus on certain things.
Finally, my e-course Reduce Your Food Spend is currently 50% off in April! If you are wanting to bring your food budget down, plus eliminate your food waste at the same time, then you should check it out! Enter HALFOFFAPR at the checkout to receive it for half price. Click here 🙂
What about you? What exciting things have happened to you lately?
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