We’re plodding on towards the end of July already, so I thought I should do a Life Update post and talk about what’s going on around here 🙂
Firstly, how is it almost August?! Frugal Toddler turns 3 in August and I can’t quite believe it. He still seems so small sometimes, though he is definitely pushing the boundaries when he can at the moment. One of the things he struggles with a lot at the moment is sharing his toys with Frugal Baby; anything Frugal Baby manages to have he then takes straight off him. So, we’re trying to teach him but it takes time and patience. Something a toddler doesn’t have much of!
I have also just read the most amazing thriller that I’ve read in ages. I read it in less than a week, and as a sleep deprived Mum, that’s quite an achievement. It’s called Thirteen and is written from two different perspectives. I won’t give anything away but it’s seriously so good. I would definitely recommend it if you like a good suspense thriller!
Another exciting thing that we have just launched is our new deals Facebook page! It’s there to share the best deals, bargains, coupons and money saving tips. Mr FC and I are working on it together 🙂 I’m excited about it. At the moment, as it’s in the launch stage, we’ve got a chocolate giveaway going on, if you want to have a look. I’d love it if you could like the page!
It’s now the summer holidays and I’m looking forward to spending some quality time with the boys. Mr FC is also off work so we’ve got some time to spend together. I’m hoping to have some days out, hopefully at the seaside, and do some exciting things whilst the weather is good. Frugal Toddler loves being outside and anything that tires him out is a bonus! If anyone has any suggestions of things we could do in the North East then please let me know 🙂
Finally, we’re in the very beginning stages of applying to extend our home. We want to convert the garage into a usable space, plus add on a couple of bedrooms upstairs. It should be fairly straight forward but we are getting designs drawn up at the moment. This will obviously have an impact on how much we can save in the upcoming months but I am so excited about it! I will let you know how this is progressing; I’m already looking at kitchens…. 🙂
What about you? What exciting things have happened to you lately?
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Stupid question or have I missed something like a discount code?
Looking at the deals Facebook page it seems to be mainly affiliate links to products on Amazon. But the price then shown is the same price that Amazon have it on for anyway – so how is the deals page saving me anything?
We’ll be sharing more deals, coupons and bigger giveaways once we get more sorted! Also sharing pictures of good deals in the shops 🙂
Ah okay, I’ll keep using my usual IP address and wishlist tricks to get the prices down on Amazon then … in the nicest possible way I’d rather the savings were in my pocket than your affiliate account 🤑
BTW things to do in NE … Beamish working museum is superb.