It’s been such a long time since I did a Life Update post, so I thought I’d do another one. Things have changed around here, kind of 🙂
The most obvious thing that has changed in our Life Update, is the fact that we now have a school aged child. In fact, I went to his first parents evening yesterday, and he’s doing well. So that’s a relief! He is doing really well with his reading and writing, his numbers and his general awareness of the world. His teacher seems really pleased with his progress so I was a proud Mum yesterday 🙂 although I wish he’d learn not to draw all over his jumper with pen which doesn’t ever come out in the wash…
Also, how fast is the end of the year approaching!? I’m trying to thin about Christmas presents, birthdays that we’ve got coming up and getting to the end of the year and sorting out stuff in between. It seems like we’re getting more and more body and there are a hundred and one things I am supposed to remember at all times. I keep having to set reminders on my phone so that I don’t forget anything. I am trying to find more independent shops to purchase presents from – have a read of this post if you haven’t yet – as I want to do that rather than shop at the big retailers. This might be the case for every present but definitely some of them.
I am also looking ahead to 2020 (!) and thinking about the yearly goals I might set myself. I normally do lots of goals for the year – financial, personal, blog related and then a word of the year. Starting to think about what I want to achieve by the end of the next year; doing some sums to see what we will need to do to be on track. Sometimes this is motivating, though it can be a little scary at the same time! I think YouTube will feature on those next year as I am enjoying it a lot at the moment.
Speaking of YouTube, have you seen my cash envelope set up? I’m going to continue using the cash envelope system for my variable expenses as I feel it works well for us, at the moment. Handing over cash and keeping track that way feels so much easier than swiping my card all of the time. And, I love my little binder and envelopes! )
Finally, I have something to share with you. I am in the early stages of writing an investing course! 🙂 I get so many messages about investing, how to start, where to choose from and how it all works. Well, I have started to put together a comprehensive course that can teach you all about investing and get you started within 7 days. I’m so excited about this! It will include how-tos, videos, workshops and booklets. It will teach you how to invest so you can begin to get your own passive income stream like I do 🙂 I’ll let you know more information nearer the time of publication, but it’s happening!
What is new in your part of the world? Any exciting updates? I’d love to hear from you!
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If it is ball point ink, try hairspray (just the cheap stuff, of course).
I second the hairspray trick. It works well.