Finances wise, thankfully we are just the same in terms of income. Both of us are considered key workers so our work and roles stay safe, for now. I have seen so many heartbreaking posts about people having no income or struggling to get back financially. I appreciate we are so lucky to be in the situation we are. Sure, we don’t earn huge amounts but we are grateful it is continuing as normal in that respect. In terms of our budget, we are spending less in most areas, apart from food. Please tell me we’re not the only ones!? Food is normally a fairly consistent amount each month for us but at the moment it’s much higher.
It seems funny to look back on my No Spend Year rules that I set back on January 1st. If only I knew how easy it would be to not spend in some categories! But, what I wouldn’t give to meet my mum for a coffee and slice of cake in a lovely independent cafe right now. FaceTime is just not the same. I wonder how it will feel when we are allowed to go out more freely. Does anyone else think that it will be really strange? I haven’t left our house in nearly two months now; not driven the car, gone food shopping or taken Alfie to school. All of those things that were just routine. Part of me thinks that it might be difficult to shift back to being busy. There are definitely some perks to being at home; the slower pace of life being one.
That being said, both of my children are desperate to see other people now. They are so fed up of my face! The first thing Alfie wants to do when this is over is to go and stay at my parents for ten weeks (!) and go to soft play. I’m sure my parents would be thrilled if we arrived for an extended stay 😉 but taking him to soft play we can definitely do. Well, if they are open any time soon! And what about distancing? That’s the last thing on a four year old’s mind when he rushing around the soft play centre.
Finally, is there anything you want me to blog about around here? I’ve got some recipes coming up that I have done lately, plus other posts but wondered if there’s anything you would like to read? I am starting to plan content for June and July so just comment below and let me know! And I hope you are okay and staying safe <3
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