Not that I have been in other areas!
One thing to mention is that today, is the official launch of my first physical product! At 8PM over on my Etsy shop, my first budget planner will be launched that you can purchase and have delivered to your home. It has been a long time coming I suppose; I have had many messages over the months in relation to my budget planner printables. So, I’ve taken what seems like quite a scary step and had some made up!
There is a limited number available, so make sure you favourite my shop and pop at back at 8PM so you don’t miss out! Here’s a walk through video so you can see just what is in it. I have been using my own sample version to test it out and I love it; so much more practical in the A5 and the tweaked design is perfect! Let me know what you think 🙂 I have also got some other designs in the pipeline, so will let you know when they’re available!
Finances wise, I’ll admit that July has been a bit of a fail. I think it’ll be the first month in a while where I don’t hit my target of 20 NSDS; in fact I’ve not racked my spending since the second week. I can’t remember the last time I didn’t! I think that everything over the past four months has suddenly caught up with me in a way. I have been trying to juggle so many plates and not looking after myself as much. So everything starts to fall by the wayside.
However, I am determined to get back on track in August! We’re hopefully going to have some more days out now that we can go to different places 🙂 armed with a picnic and a flask of tea so we’re doing our frugal living tips as well 🙂 nothing better than a sandwich and a cuppa when you’ve been for a walk!
YouTube is growing steadily; though finding tine to film sometimes can be tricky! I like it though; it’s much more of a longer process and filming + editing takes time but it is fun. Do join me over there if you haven’t already! I have got a series about investing for beginners coming up over the next few weeks so make sure to check those out. Is there anything you want me to film about? Let me know in the comments!
September will see us all back in the old routine, providing there isn’t another lockdown. I am a bit apprehensive about it but I think it will do us all good to be out more and seeing other people. Plus having other things to talk about! There’s only so many episodes of Paw Patrol and talking about dinosaurs that I can take 😉 but, still unsure as to how it will work exactly. I have been given lots of information about all the new procedures but it’s a lot to take in. I think it will be easier to go through it, rather than try and remember all the information!
Also, I am missing my cash envelopes! I think that’s part of why everything is starting to slip; my favourite way of budgeting is not being used at the moment. Hopefully in September I can start to use these again! My last cash envelope usage was back in March 🙁 so long ago. Are you using cash when you go out or just card? Let me know!
Finally, is there anything you want me to blog about around here? I’ve got some recipes coming up that I have done lately, plus other posts but wondered if there’s anything you would like to read? I am starting to plan content for August and September so just comment below and let me know! And I hope you are okay and staying safe <3
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