As we continue down the path to a more simple life, there are many times where it can feel more difficult and sometimes it can even feel like we’re making the wrong choice in terms of lifestyle. In some ways, following the more obvious path would be the easier option, to follow the crowds and not to question the norm.
But, there are so many things that make smile along our journey, that I know we are making the right choice. And the best thing of all? Most of time these things cost very little, if anything at all. The little things in life really do make me a happy person. Each Sunday I write The Weekend Edition and try to think of 5 things that I’ve been grateful for or enjoyed during the week; seeing positivity even when times are tough means that life is easier to live.
I have mentioned this before, but both me and my husband are close with our immediate families, and are very lucky to have such supportive people who surround us. We talk to our parents most days, even if it’s just a text to say hello, and quite often go to their houses for tea, or for the weekend. Spending time with our loved ones is precious, and I know we’re very lucky to be able to do this.
Going for a walk in the chilly weather, then coming home to a warm house is a simple pleasure. Going for a walk is free exercise, and we live near to some very beautiful parts of the country which we have access to. There’s nothing better than going for a walk in the cooler weather, then coming home to something bubbling away in the slow cooker. Again, this gives me and my husband time to enjoy each other’s company, at a relatively low cost (depending if we have to drive far).
The smell of a freshly baked loaf or a cake from the oven is an absolute joy and makes our house definitely feel like a home. A slice of homemade cake with a cup of tea as an afternoon snack is something that makes me smile; it’s so simple to do and to have, but it makes all the difference, especially if it’s raining outside. Of course, this means buying ingredients and using electricity, but the costs will be minimal. I love the smell of a cake baking in the oven – it’s even better when I’m enjoying a slice!
Sitting on the sofa with two sleeping cats and watching a good film or programme on the tv in the evening makes me smile too. I love our little family, and it makes me feel so content that these few simple pleasures are all I need in life to make me happy. Having a cat sat on my knee, all sleepy and purring makes me feel so happy inside knowing that I can keep them safe and make their lives better. They make my life better because they are in it.
This might seem like a bit of a gushing post, but I honestly feel like we’re making the right choices in our life at this point in time, so a better future for us. I love reading the journey’s of other bloggers, and to see the insight into their lives that they choose to share. So many are inspiring for so many different reasons, that I hope that one day, the lifestyle and path we choose can be inspiring to others.
Happy Friday everyone.
What a lovely post! I miss being able to drop in and visit with my mom (she passed away 2 years ago, my dad almost 20 yrs ago), but I am grateful to still see my in-laws at least once a week, if only for a quick hello. And my siblings are not too far away either. And I too love the smell of something baking in the oven.
The smell of something baking is one of the best smells going, I reckon 🙂