In terms of finances, it’s looking good for March. In fact, it’s one of the quietest months of the year for us. Our cat Luna is having her teeth taken out in the middle of the month. I am just hoping it won’t cost too much! I genuinely have no idea about the cost of that. Depending on how much that costs will impact how much we are able to save and overpay. We shall see. I also hope she deals with it ok! Our cats (we have two) are 8 now so not the youngest of cats. Here’s hoping the surgery and recovery are smooth.
My Financial aims for March are:
– Have 20 No Spend Days (NSDs)
– Overpay the mortgage by £185
– Put £700 into savings
As March is a normal month, my NSD target is back up to 20. I have managed this for the previous two months so here’s hoping I can continue my winning streak with NSDs! My March budget planner is set up and I am ready for it. If you’re wondering about your finances, then this exact system plus the cash envelopes I use have absolutely transformed our finances. I do recommend you download it and start tracking today! It’s available here. Our mortgage overpayments are going to be same each month again as they were last year. Any spare money will perhaps go towards this in due course. I haven’t decided yet! And finally, the savings target will also be the same every month.
My Personal Aims for March are:
– take it easy
– plan out YouTube content for the month
– be organised!
I need to take it easy; I am still really run down and pushing myself to keep going is not helping. It’s not in my nature to do nothing but I have to take a step back a bit. I just need to pace myself a bit more. And focus on eating healthily and getting proper sleep each night. Easier said than done though! I have some more ideas for YouTube this month so I just need to factor in filming those. Again, it links back to the time issue. Finally, being organised will take the pressure off all areas, which is always a good thing just planning for the day ahead the night before will help. Little steps!
Here’s to March being great! What are your aims for the month? I’d love to hear them!
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As I spent Jan and Feb recovering from bronchial pneumonia March will be easing myself back into things including debt busting, saving and cleaning!