Hello May! I’m a bit sad that April is over as it turned out to be a lovely month. However, May should be good too, just in different ways. May is often a quiet month in the Frugal Cottage household, and we have nothing planned in particular. Just the usual routine which isn’t a bad thing
The building work is progressing nicely 🙂 but, they are going to be knocking through the main wall next week which means no kitchen from that point onwards. I’m not sure how much longer we’ll be able to live here with two young children and essentially just a bedroom, bathroom and living room to share between us all. We shall see.
I’ve continued to upload YouTube videos during the month – I’m really enjoying it! It takes a lot longer than I thought it would, but then everything in the online world seems to do that. It’s definitely been a learning curve as well. If I’m going to continue, I might have to save up for some better equipment. Baby steps though, at the moment.
My Financial aims for May are:
– Have 18 No Spend Days (NSDs)
– Overpay our mortgage by £185
– Put £300 into savings
I didn’t meet my NSD target for April so I have kept it the same for May. It is a quiet month so I’m hoping that I will meet it this month. I will keep it updated in my trusty NSD tracker 🙂 our mortgage overpayment aim will be the same each month from now on. And lastly, a very specific number into savings, which will be the same every month this year, I should think. If I mange to meet my target for my May Money Making Challenge, I shall hit this!
My Personal Aims For May are:
– try and get ahead with blog posts
– finish the book I’m currently reading.
– no chocolate
I would love to get ahead with posts so that they would be posted consistently. Lots of the bigger blogs are months ahead with their posts being written – even a week would be a start! I am going to try so hard to do this; it would take the pressure off a bit as well. And I’ve been reading the same book for months now. I just need to get it finished. Finally, I am starting to think that I have got an addiction to chocolate. So, I’m cutting it out for a month. I’m not going to lie – this will be incredibly tough! But better on the waist line and pocket, plus I need to do it.
Here’s to May being great! What are your aims for the month? I’d love to hear them!
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