10) How To Save Money When You Have A Baby. Interestingly enough, the most views on this post are from people searching the net for this, so it must be something new parents often worry about. So, it’s no wonder that this relatively recent post is at number ten.
9) 5 Easy Ways To Spend Less. As someone who is always looking for ways to trim the budget even further, this post has proved popular for page views. I could still do better in this area; I need to follow my own advice 😉
8) How To Organise Your Stockpile. The word “stockpile” brings quite a few visitors via searching for something, so perhaps people are trying to build up their own stash of goodies. I’m trying to be more organised in terms of our stockpile and making sure that it works for us in the best way.
7) How To Start A Stockpile. Interestingly, the two stockpile posts are very close in terms of page views, so stockpiling must be something more and more people are getting in to. Perhaps no in the realms of the people on extreme couponing 😉 but on their own terms.
6) The “Pay Yourself Rule” And Why It Works. Something that we continue to strive to do, this post about why you need to pay yourself first and spend what’s left if you’re going to reach your savings aims has been a popular post ever since it was posted in June.
5) Why Everyone Should Be Aiming For Early Retirement. This post was born after an interesting conversation with a journalist about my journey to early retirement in the UK; they seemed somewhat surprised that anyone would even attempt such a thing!
4) How I Organise Our Finances. Most of the traffic for this post has come via Pinterest, which I’ve been trying to build up all year. I suppose organising your finances is the first step to better financial knowledge, then working out your own personal financial goals and achieving them.
3) 5 Simple Living Blogs You Should Be Reading. As I continue to try and simplify our lives, I find myself reading more simple living or minimalist blogs. These were my favourite five at the time, and thanks to other people sharing this post, it’s up in the third spot for the year.
2) Why I’m Aiming To Save 50% Of Our Income. Another post which has been shared quite a bit, and therefore page views are higher, is a post explaining why I think we should be saving 50% of our income. I know that lots of PF bloggers save more than this, but this is what we’re aiming for, and why.
1) 10 Personal Finance Blogs You Should Be Reading. I don’t know whether it’s a good thing that the most viewed post this year on The Frugal Cottage is a round up post that sends you somewhere else 😉 however, this was shared multiple times by many of the people on the post, hence why this is the top post for the most views on The Frugal Cottage this year.
So there you have it! The top 10 posts of 2015 from The Frugal Cottage.
Which one is your favourite?
Thanks for keeping your blog going this year – have really enjoyed reading it. Hope to get my blog going in 2016!
Nice Nicola, thank you for giving us your top 10 posts of 2015. I enjoyed reading each post.
I have been wanting to read your blog so this is a great way to start! I especially enjoyed #5. I have worked through some of my own objections to early retirement. I think a lot of people object because of emotional reasons, like feeling it’s impossible, or misunderstanding the goal. Anyway, your argument for it are quite sound and I agree that it doesn’t make sense to dismiss such a reasonable goal.