2017 was self care, 2018 was focus, so what could 2019 be?
I have been thinking about what is important. Especially recently, when people close to us are dealing with horrific things. It really does make you re-evaluate your life and what is important.
So, my word for 2019 is simplify.
I am always guilty of trying to take on too much. I know that, and yet I continue to do so! So, for 2019 I want to simplify more, so than I can focus on what is important, but also make things more simple for myself.
I want to simplify things for my family. It can be so difficult to slow down and just take the time to be with each other. Especially when I have both boys by myself, sometimes I feel guilty that I’m not doing more with them. That I’m not taking them somewhere different. But, often, they are happiest just playing at home with their toys, spending imd together and with me. Now that Frugal Toddler goes to nursery full time, the only time they get together are the weekends, as with most families I expect. I don’t need to be doing lots of activities with them all of the time.
This includes simplifying things around the home. That includes meal planning, tidying and cleaning, plus general day to day things. Mr FC and I are both guilty of letting things slide until neither of us can bear it any longer. I don’t know why we do this! Things like opening post the day it arrives, tidying up the toys on an evening after the boys are in bed and getting into a regular cleaning routine.
I also want to simplify this blog a little. I’ll be honest, I am struggling a bit with posting consistently. And the simple reason for that is, I don’t actually know where the time goes! Sometimes, by the time we get the boys to bed and sat down, it’s after 8pm and the last thing I want to do is concentrate on anything. Whether than be the tv, or writing a blog post. It’s not that I don’t want to write here – I really do – it’s just that tiredness seems to be never ending and I just don’t have the energy sometimes.
Included in that is simplifying my social media strategy. This year, I want to focus on growing my Instagram and my Pinterest. The reason being is that I am loving Instagram for the motivation factor, plus Pinterest seems to throw a lot of traffic my way and I want to keep it that way! If you don’t follow me on either of these, I would love you to.
I want to simplify our finances. I am still loving filling in my budget planner, and definitely intend to continue that this year. It makes it very much more transparent just where our money goes when you’re writing it down, pen onto paper. I am still toying with the idea of making these into printable downloads and uploading them onto here. Would anyone be interested in that? I also am in the process of designing my own cash envelopes, which I’m excited to use!
So, there’s my word of the year for 2019 – simplify. I’m looking forward to what it brings.
Did you choose a word of the year for 2019? What did you choose? How are you going to implement that? I’d love to hear from you in the comments !
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Simplify sounds like a great idea. I have recently been trying to declutter our home and have found that cleaning is so much easier when you don’t have many things. I read ‘The Fly Lady’ by Marla Cilley, which is about cleaning routines. What I have changed is that instead of spending ages at the weekend blitzing a room I try to do at least 15 minutes a day on a room. It’s surprising how much you can get done in this time. Now, I have to admit that I don’t have children, so that makes things much easier. I got her book from our local library and I know she has a website, but I haven’t actually looked at that. I have also seen that Joshua Becker has released his book, ‘The Minimalist Home’, although my library hasn’t got that and it is sold out on Amazon. Anyway, hope that’s helpful and good luck on your quest to simplify.
Thank you! I shall have a look at that book; I definitely leave it until it becomes a massive chore. I would love to change this!
Simplicity, I love it. For 2019 my word is self care. 🙂
A great choice 🙂
Simplify is my word for the year too.
It’s such a brilliant idea! I love your choice of ‘simplify’ and your reasons for doing so. Mine is ‘inspired’ because sometimes I just get so caught up in the here and now and forget about why I’m doing what I’m doing and lose sight of my dreams. Not this year! I also hope that maybe one day I might be an inspiration to others.
I’m sure you will be 🙂