2017 was self care, 2018 was focus, 2019 was simplify and 2020 was believe.
I have been thinking about what might happen this year. What things we might see, do and achieve. It’s always interesting to think about the next twelve months.
So, my word for 2021 is focus.
The main reason behind this one for 2021 is my online business.
This links to many ares. Firstly, it means focusing on this blog. I lost my way with this blog during 2020, mainly to do with outside factors. I mean, who could have predicted the year of 2020!? It had a massive impact on so many people and to be honest, juggling everything and getting by was enough.
It means focusing on my health. Because if I don’t do this, who will? It’s focusing on making myself a priority and taking time for myself. I find this incredibly difficult to do and often put myself at the bottom of the pile but that means that I don’t function as well as I could be doing.
Focusing in the support of others in also important. One of the biggest things I did last year was growing on YouTube and the amount of support I have had, both on the blog and across social media channels is lovely. It can be hard not to see the success but the support from other people is so important. I need to focus more on this and less on other things.
I also want to focus in the strategy I’ve got worked out. It might not be the best strategy ever. The plans I have might not even pan out. But, I need to focus that what I have put together for the next twelve months will end up being what I make it. I might not succeed in everything that I have aimed for, but I’m going to give it my best shot!
So, there’s my word of the year for 2021 – focus. I’m looking forward to what it brings.
Did you choose a word of the year for 2021? What did you choose? How are you going to implement that? I’d love to hear from you in the comments !
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