The first week of September went reasonably well; I felt very much in control of our finances and managed 5 NSDs during that first week. For me, that’s a definite success! On the days when I did spend, it was a low spend so it was having a really good impact on our finances. I shared my spends over on YouTube for the first week and it looked good!
Then, the second week of September proved slightly more tricky. The main reason for this was an unexpected purchase – our microwave broke! Now, our microwave was old and we did intend to replace it at some point but not during a No Spend month. But one morning I came downstairs to do breakfast and it was making a very strange noise. Switched it off at the wall and then it wouldn’t work at all. So, new microwave needed! We managed to get one reduced in Curry’s for £69.99 but definitely an un-budgeted expense.
Yesterday also tested my willpower somewhat. The boys wanted a happy meal so we got a McDonalds for lunch. For this No Spend I specifically didn’t put anything in our eating our budget for the entire month. Doing a No Spend means no eating out. However, they got these so I have taken it out of the Children budget envelope. Is that bending the rules? We ate it at home, if that helps 😉
In terms of NSDs, I was aiming for 20 for the month. At the half way point, including today, I am up to 10 NSDs. So, half way to my aim! I will need to be extra careful during the second half as I can see that it might be a struggle to get to 20. I will try my best though!
Are you taking part in No Spend September? How are you doing? Let me know!
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I ma trying and have managed some no spend days. I have managed to keep my spending down but I am not in the no spend range. I will keep trying though and hopefully will gain some more control.
I have just started think it a very good idear