Again, November is another month which is fairly quiet for us; nothing on particularly. Just the usual work/nursery/family time 🙂 which is not a bad thing! As far as I know, we have nothing planned either, so lots of time just to relax in between the busyness of everyday life.
I definitely want to make a start on Christmas presents; we normally have started by now but seem to be a bit unorganised this year. Not sure why? We do need to have a think about what to get people too.
Financial aims for November:
– Have 18 No Spend Days (NSDs)
– Overpay our mortgage by £185
– Put £500 into savings
I finally hit my NSD aim last month, only the second time in ages. So, I’m putting the same number again. I’m hoping we can hit this! Just need to be disciplined and organised If you saw this post last month, then you’ll know I’m changing our overpayment plans for the short term. The savings aim is less than last month, to reflect the changes made to our overpayments.
Personal Aims For November:
– find some time just for me.
– use my budget planner throughout the month
– start Christmas shopping!
I put the first aim on here last month, but then failed miserably. I find it so difficult to find some time just to sit and relax, or read a book. By the time everything is sorted on an evening, I just want to go to bed. But, I do need to try and do this in November – even 10 minutes just sat would make a difference. I made myself a simple budget planner and have loved using it the past two months. So I’m going to continue 🙂 finally, better late than never, I want to start our Christmas shopping.
What are your aims for the month? I’d love to hear them!
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Thanks for sharing your aims for November. My aims are: manage to follow the new meal plan I have in order to lose some kg (something I’ve been struggling with for a while); keep saving money; keep writing on my blog.
Good luck with your aims! Let me know how you get on 🙂