Hello November! I love this time of year 🙂 this is slightly later than normal; our two year old has to self-isolate at home for 14 days due to being in close contact with something who has tested positive. Somehow, that means I have totally lost track of the days! It is strange not being able to take him anywhere. Fingers crossed he doesn’t show any symptoms – he hasn’t so far.
November tends to be an expensive month; I am already starting to buy Christmas presents from small, independent shops. Both locally and ones I have found online. I think it’s going to be more important than ever this year to support those. Amazon doesn’t need any more of my money! We also have a lot of family birthdays in December so it’s the time to factor those expenses in as well. November and December are the most expensive months of the year in our household, as I suspect it is for many.
Finally, before I get to my aims for the month ahead, I am still loving my YouTube channel. It is growing slowly and my message is getting out there. I just want to help people grow their confidence when it comes to their finances. My recent videos on How To Eat For £10 A Week have been popular, though making them was slightly challenging 🙂  Make sure you go over there and subscribe so you don’t miss them! I’m excited for this one 🙂
My Financial aims for November are:
– Have 20 No Spend Days (NSDs)
– Overpay the mortgage by £185
– Put £700 into savings
Same as always; these should be easy to meet providing I don’t spend too much on shopping! Buying small is definitely more expensive but it’s worth it. As a small business owner with my budget planners, it makes me so happy to get that notification that someone has purchased one. I want to do that for other people 🙂
My Personal Aims for November are:
– continue with my nighttime routine
– eat nourishing food
I have made a concerted effort to get to bed earlier and to have a proper nighttime routine where I wind down and rest. It has been working well so I am going to continue this! I am also trying to eat more nourishing food; when I eat better I feel better. It’s not complicated but it works. I need to remember this when I’m tired and can’t be bothered!
Here’s to November being great! What are your aims for the month? I’d love to hear them!
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