Every month I like to set myself aims for the month, to keep myself focused and to make sure I actually use the time during the month wisely! There are two sets of aims: Finance and Personal. September ended up being very positive for us, both in terms of finances and personal, so I’m hoping that October will be the same. I do need to start thinking about Christmas presents (sorry for mentioning the C-word!) and start getting presents for various people.
Financial aims for October:
– Have 20 No Spend Days (NSDs)
– Overpay our mortgage by something
– Put £500 into savings
I didn’t hit our target for NSDs for September, but I haven’t decreased the number target for October. This is because our income is continuously decreasing at the moment so not spending is vital to our success. Our mortgage overpayment targets have changed again; I want to continue overpaying but I don’t know if we can commit to a certain number at this stage. However, as being mortgage free is a bit part of a goals, I want to continue to overpay for as long as we can, even if it’s a small number. Lastly, we smashed our savings target for September so I’ve upped the target for October by £100. I’m hoping that this will be more than achievable, though I don’t want to get too carried away with transferring too much over to savings and then not having enough to live on. We shall see; I’m secretly hoping to put more away!
Personal Aims For October:
– lose 4lbs
– declutter one bin bag’s worth of stuff
– buy one Christmas present for someone
Now that I’m not pregnant anymore, I have some weight to lose! Luckily, I didn’t gain too much weight during pregnancy but there is still some there that I’d like to lose. So, weight loss aims are back as a personal target. 4lbs doesn’t seem unreasonable, but we shall see. We seem to be accumulating more things of late, perhaps due to having a baby so therefore have more things generally, but I feel like I need to have a bit of declutter. So, I’m hoping to manage this and either throw things away or take them to a charity shop. Lastly, I need to at least make a start on Christmas shopping, so I’ve snuck this one on here! I’m hoping to get more than one, but one will be a start nonetheless.
Do you have any aims for this month? What will challenge you the most? I’d love to hear from you!
Looks like some good goals there!
Thank you! Have you got any aims for this month? 🙂
Hmm lose some weight and get the next colour finished on my needlepoint is about it!
Good luck with your aims 🙂
I’ve started doing the same thing, setting myself aims for every month. It is so helpful! In October, I want to learn to eat slowly, and I’m playing the Minimalism Game, which means decluttering more things each day! I wish you all the success in the world!
Good luck with your aims! 🙂