Finances wise, I’m aiming to have another No Spend/low spend month. There are a couple of items I know I’ll need to buy – I am almost out of foundation for one, plus mascara – and I do need a haircut at some point. Make up lasts me months as I only wear a tiny bit, plus I haven’t had my hair cut in months so they definitely need to be on here this month. Also, getting the ball rolling for Christmas will have an impact but we shall see 🙂
My Financial aims for October are:
– Have 18 No Spend Days (NSDs)
– Overpay our mortgage by £185
– Put £600 into savings
I have lowered my NSD target back to normal, after having such a great month last month. I will keep it updated in my trusty NSD tracker our mortgage overpayment aim will be the same each month, as it has been for a while. And lastly, a very specific number into savings, which will be the same every month this year, I should think. Plodding along, slowly!
My Personal Aims for October are:
– start to get organised for Christmas
– stick with the plan!
I feel like mentioning Christmas at this stages seems early but I know there are lots of people who have finished their Christmas shopping already and some even have it all wrapped as well! So, I need to make a start on it all. Spread out the costs slightly as well, which is never a bad thing 🙂 the last thing is something private that I don’t want to share on here, but I just need to stick with it, that’s all 🙂
Here’s to October being great! What are your aims for the month? I’d love to hear them!
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Frankly my only aim is to get my health sorted!
Fingers crossed 🙂
Working on getting those unfinished projects completed this month before I add anything new.
God bless.
You can do it!
Are you going to carry on with your Facebook group for your low-spend October? Lots of people learned loads from that kind of forum approach, I think
It’s always open 🙂
Haven’t had a haircut in months? That would really bug me as my ends get looking ratty and uneven if I let them go too long. Thankfully my husband cuts my hair, so every couple months or so, I take a seat on the stool, get caped, my hair combed out, sectioned, then trimmed layer by layer. I like my hair long, but it doesn’t grow even, so it starts to get noticeable. I like my hair to look well groomed and thankfully I don’t have to deal the time, hassle or cost of going to the salon. I think every woman should have her guy be her stylist. Great bonding time and big savings.
My hair is curly and long, so it’s often just up in a pony tail so it’s not that noticeable!