Disclosure: there are some affiliate links used below, but these are all products, items or services I would recommend.
Money Saving
The Money Diet is the first book I ever read about budgeting and managing your money. If you are a total newbie to all things money, then I suggest you start here. Very straightforward to understand and easy to read. There are different sections, all related to saving you money in every aspect of your life! It is split up into different parts and Martin Lewis relates it all to dieting to lose weight as well. There are other books written by Martin Lewis that I would also recommend.
TopCashback is a website which you should be using when you are buying something online. If you go to TopCashback first and click through to another website to buy your items, then you earn cashback on your shopping. We have earnt over £700 between us on TopCashback!
Quidco works in exactly the same way as TopCashback; if you go via here to your online shopping, then you’ll earn cashback! It’s best to check which our of the two offer the highest percentage back.
Money Making
Profit Accumulator is a website that helps you with matched betting. You can sign up for a free trial where you can make between £45-£60 and see if matched betting is for you!
I use Hargreaves Lansdown for the provider of my Stocks and Shares ISA in which the majority of my Ultimate Dream Fund is stored. The platform is very easy to use and understand and the ongoing charges for funds is low. It is very straightforward to open an ISA with them and start investing today.
Smarter Investing is a good book if you are looking at starting to invest; it goes through some simple and straightforward advice for anyone who wants to invest. I would not be where I am today if I hadn’t started investing! It is clear and concise, and will make you figure out just how to invest that is right for you.
I use Bluehost for my blogging package, as I have both my domain and hosting with them. It was really easy to set up my blog using WordPress on Bluehost and you can start from as little as $3.45 a month, which is nothing when you convert that into £s!