Every month I like to set myself aims for the month, to keep myself focused and to make sure I actually use the time during the month wisely! There are two sets of aims: Finance and Personal. August worked out very well for us, despite the unknown, so I’m hoping that September will be just the same.
Financial aims for September:
– Have 20 No Spend Days (NSDs)
– Overpay our mortgage by something
– Put £400 into savings
I smashed our NSD target for August, so I’m raising it again for September. I’m not sure what unexpected expenses might crop up during the month, but 20 NSDs should be doable with some planning. Our mortgage overpayment targets have changed again; I want to continue overpaying but I don’t know if we can commit to a certain number at this stage. However, as being mortgage free is a bit part of a goals, I want to continue to overpay for as long as we can, even if it’s a small number. Lastly, we managed to hit our savings target in August, but with continued reduced income means that continuing to hit our target might become more and more of a challenge. However, that’s why it’s called a challenge! I’m hoping to manage to hit this; we’ve nothing planned for September that should eat into our spends too much.
Personal Aims For September:
– lose 4lbs
– bake something
– have an outing as a family
Now that I’m not pregnant anymore, I have some weight to lose! Luckily, I didn’t gain too much weight during pregnancy but there is still some there that I’d like to lose. So, weight loss aims are back as a personal target. 4lbs doesn’t seem unreasonable, but we shall see. I haven’t baked anything in ages it feels like, so I’d quite like to manage this. However, whether or not I’ll manage is another matter; baby doesn’t like to be put down/left alone very much at this stage so it could prove slightly tricky. I quite fancy making brownies though 🙂 and lastly, try and manage to get out somewhere as our family, whether that is just a walk somewhere or visiting someone, it’ll be interesting to see how long it takes us to leave our house…
Do you have any aims for this month? What will challenge you the most? I’d love to hear from you!
These seem like great, doable goals. I love September! It’s still like a fresh start to a new school year (though I’m long out of school).
It does seem like a new start; it’s strange!
September it is! I can’t believe that we’re already in BER months! Yay! I am so excited about preparation for Christmas and winter season. But before, I gotta boost my fund for it by having more no spending days and comparing products at stores to cut expenses and save much more!
I know; I love the winter months, it’s my favourite time of year 🙂