Hello September! A new month to navigate through. In fact, I’m taking the month back to basics. I want to get back on track with our finances and also with my eating; both have been dreadful for the past couple of months and I want to rectify this as soon as possible. I always feel like the start of the month is a good time to have this kind of aim.
September is quiet for us too; Mr FC and I are at work and we will have to find a new routine which works for us which includes getting us all of out of the house on time each morning! I suspect it’ll be a bit bumpy at first but we’ll soon get into a rhythm. Frugal Toddler will be starting nursery full time so he’ll be tired to begin with too, which won’t help. We shall see.
Financial aims for September:
– Have 18 No Spend Days (NSDs)
– Overpay our mortgage by £85
– Put £600 into savings
I am so hit and miss with NSDs at the moment. I am really struggling with them, in fact. We always seem to need to get something, whether it’s milk or nappies or formula. Most of our spends are necessity spends, but spends non the less. I’m hoping that with us being more busy and back at work means that the opportunity for little spends is reduced. The overpayment aim is going to stay the same each month throughout the year. The savings aim is the same as last month, as we are still feeling the effects of being on a reduced household income.
Personal Aims For September:
– have 20 days on plan on Slimming World
– use my budget planner throughout the month
– get a better night time routine
I need to get my eating back on track as I’m starting to feel it and not in a good way. When I stay on plan, it really does work for me so I just need to get my head back in the game. I made myself a simple budget planner and want to keep this going for September; it’ll be interesting to look back at the end of the month. And finally, I need a better night time routine, including taking care of myself before bed. I am so bad at staying up later than intended, then rushing around and it not being relaxing at all. Taking care of myself is also important; I need to remember that.
What are your aims for the month? I’d love to hear them!
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We are in unchartered territory. We have both just semi retired. We are going to be living on a vastly reduced budget. However our stress levels hopefully will reduce. We have saved a contingency fund to help us get through the next 18 months until hubby’s teachers pension kicks in. In the meantime I am hoping that enough curtain making comes in for me (September is already sorted) and hubby is going back , part time to his former job as a Dispensing Optician, for 3 days a week.
I know what we are doing and how little money we will have seems crazy to most people but we have been so careful in our budgeting and will continue to be, that I am looking forward to new beginnings.
Self care is so important! Taking better care of myself is one of my aims too.
September is my last month off before I go back to work from maternity so my biggest aim is to have as much organised and ticked off my monstrous to do list as possible!
I’m also focusing on better routines this month! The summer months are lovely, but after a while I really start to miss my routine and I feel like I need to knuckle back down and be productive again. Hope you get on great with your goals for September! 🙂
My goals this month are to declutter, to read more and to drink more water.