Another week over! And we’re definitely firmly into Autumn now, with the dark nights and cooler weather. It has rained a lot this week which makes going outside more of a hassle; I’d rather just stay inside in the warm with a cup of tea and a slice of homemade cake. We had some car issues during the week with have thankfully been sorted out, but it caused quite a bit of stress at the time.
As the holidays draw nearer, I have to turn my attention to present buying/making and thinking about what to get people. I do enjoy buying presents for other people, taking time to think about what they would enjoy and appreciate, then looking around to see where I can get those individual things. I enjoy the process of wrapping and writing the tags for presents too, though I think it’s slightly too early for that yet!
5 things I’ve enjoyed/been grateful for this week:
1) Family members helping out during the week due to car problems – very much appreciated.
2) I managed to get home one day this week at a reasonable time and had some rare, alone time to focus on me.
3) I’m relearning Debussy’s 1st Arabesque on the piano, as I could play it whilst at university but have rediscovered it. I’ve enjoyed playing through that when I’ve had some time.
4) I had a peanut butter cupcake this week, and whilst it wasn’t as good as some I had in the US, it was yummy!
5) I had a girl’s day out yesterday with some friends from university who I haven’t seen in a while and it was lovely to see them and have a catch up with all of their news.
5 blog posts I’ve enjoyed this week:
1) $14,136 in October Income by Making Sense of Cents. Michelle is absolutely killing it in her income each month and her income reports are very inspiring. Well done Michelle!
2) Dividend Income Update – October 2014 by Dividend Mantra. Jason’s post have featured in my weekend edition a few times, but again, another post which is very inspiring.
3) The Numbers That Say a College Degree Still Makes Financial Sense by The Dime Cents and Sensibility. As someone who couldn’t do my job if I didn’t have a degree, this was an interesting read.
4) Challenge Savings Account Update: $406.60 by Budgets Are Sexy. This just shows how cutting back on the little things really does add up.
5) Weekly Woot & Grumble: Certified Turkey Freak by Frugal Woods. A post about Thanksgiving, but the pictures of Frugal Hound make this post!
And, in case you’ve missed them, these are the topics I’ve posted about this week:
– Healthy Eating On A Budget – a post full of tips about how to eat healthily on a budget.
– Why Role Models Make Me A Better Person – a post about how role models inspire me to do more.
What have you enjoyed reading this week? Any plans for the week ahead? I’d love to hear about it!
P.S do you have twitter? Follow me here!
Thank you so much for mentioning my turkey freak post :)! Frugal Hound looks so darn guilty anytime she’s near cooked turkey. She just wants to eat it so badly :)!!!
Our cats are the same whenever we have chicken, so I know how it feels! 🙂
Appreciate the support! Glad you found some inspiration in the dividend income report. 🙂
Sounds like you had a great week over there. Nothing wrong with the occasional cupcake, that’s for sure!
I find your dividend reports very inspiring, although I’m still unsure whether I’m ready personally to take that step. I will soon, I will! And the cupcakes we have in the UK do not match the ones I had in the US on vacation there, but it was still pretty good.
Last weekend, I was able to finish the second season of Once Upon a Time series. Thus, there are two seasons more to catch up. More than that, I and my family had a wonderful dinner at my best friend’s restaurant. Glad you also had a blast last weekend.
I’ve not heard of that series – what is it about? Would you recommend it? Glad you had a good weekend 🙂