Another week is over and we welcome a change of month. The start of a new month always seems to heighten motivation and wanting to do well, which is always welcome at this stage. Again, another week which has been relatively quiet for us; I had another routine antenatal appointment where everything was fine, and that’s it! However, this weekend has been a bit different because my lovely sister-in-law put on a baby shower for me and bump yesterday. Lots of friends and family came from all over, and it was a fantastic day. I am so lucky to be surrounded by such amazing people who are generous both with their time and their gifts. Frugal Cottage baby is one lucky baby indeed!
Money-wise, July has started well, with 4 No Spend Days being gained in the first four days of the month. Today will be a spend day as I’m going to do our weekly grocery shop and I’m also going to get a few last bits and pieces for the baby and for our hospital stay, which is required by the hospital. I’m hoping to get another 5 No Spend Days during the week ahead, so that our spending stays low and right on track. Even with the insanely warm weather this week, I have not been tempted to spend, which is good. Although a cold drink or ice cream would have been nice, I made do with the snacks I’d brought from home plus some water from the water cooler at work.
5 things I’ve enjoyed/been grateful for this week:
1) Afternoon naps are becoming the norm; they make me feel better after a long day!
2) The sun has finally arrived in the UK, and I’ve appreciated it from the cool of our house.
3) My baby shower – so, so grateful.
4) Cola flavoured jubblies from the freezer – these are ice lollies from my childhood.
5) Friends that make an effort, just because they’re nice. I have some fantastic friends; so lucky.
3 blog posts I’ve enjoyed this week:
1) What to do if you’re going to Greece on holiday by Go Compare. An informative read for anyone who might be venturing to Greece on holiday, amid the uncertainty there at the moment.
2) The Daniel Norris Code for Success by The Simple Dollar. A great article which looks at attitude and experience regardless of income.
3) Freedom Fund Update – July 2015 by Dividend Mantra. Another month, another update from Jason!
And, in case you’ve missed them, these are the topics I’ve posted about this week:
– June 2015: A Month In Review
– The Ultimate Dream Fund Update – June 2015
What have you enjoyed reading this week? Any plans for the week ahead? I’d love to hear about it!
Sounds like a wonderful baby shower. A lucky baby, indeed! 🙂
Thanks for the mention. Best of luck with the NSDs this month as you build out your Ultimate Dream Fund.
Best regards.
It was a lovely day, baby is indeed very lucky! As are we to be surrounded by such people 🙂 and you’re welcome; I love reading your journey.
how lovely about the baby shower. I am so excited for you about the impending miracle!
Hope you are doing lots of lying on the sofa-its the only way to go?!
I’m doing lots of lazying on the sofa 🙂 definitely the best way to go!