Another week has gone! It has been another busy week at work, with a couple of days being rather late. I cannot wait for a break now; everyone is shattered and patience isn’t as good as it was at the start of the year. Our budgeting this week has been good; nothing unexpected has shown up and apart from a couple of coffees (due to the longer/late nights) I haven’t spent anything else during the week.
5 things I’ve enjoyed/been grateful for this week:
1) Meeting up with my mum for a coffee and cake after work this week – my mum travelled about 30 minutes to meet me after work for a coffee and a slice of cake and a catch up. It was lovely to spend time with her and the cake was an added bonus!
2) Children who make my job a joy – there are days when I find work really tough but this week some of my students have been absolutely amazing which makes my job really enjoyable.
3) Sitting in the conservatory reading a book with a cat snoozing in the sunshine next to me. A bit of quiet time for me during the evening this week which made me feel really relaxed and peaceful.
4) Cooking some homemade sticky chicken from a recipe book and eating it sat in the garden. I enjoy cooking and find it relaxing and this was a really tasty recipe.
5) My husband. He’s been an absolute star this week whilst I’ve been so busy; I’m lucky to have him by my side.
5 blog posts I’ve enjoyed this week:
1) This post by Young House Love. It’s a post about art work and anniversaries and I love the pictures of their house. I’ve said it before, but I love their blog and their family.
2) This post by Dividend Mantra. Another post by someone who I really admire who spells out why dividend growth investing is such a strong strategy for investing and passive income means.
3) This post by Color Me Frugal – a lovely happy post with some very exciting news.
4) This post by Mr Money Mustache. A post about attitude and how to win.
5) This post by Budgets are Sexy. A great post about how one you’ve accomplished something, no one can take that from you. A lovely, positive post.
And, in case you missed them, these are the topics I’ve posted about this week:
– Why homemade is best – a post about homemade food and the benefits of making your own rather than relying on ready-made foods.
– The Ultimate Dream Part Two: Early Retirement – a post about our aims and dreams regarding early retirement. It also includes numbers and sums to work out how we’d achieve that aim.
What have you enjoyed reading this week? Any plans for the week ahead? I’d love to hear about it!
P.S do you have twitter? Follow me here!
Thanks so much for passing on our words! Have a blessed rest of your weekend over there 🙂
You’re welcome! 🙂
Appreciate the mention. I hope all is well over there for you. 🙂
Sounds like you had a great week there, and spent quality time with family. That’s always awesome.
Best regards.
You’re welcome! I love spending time with family, there’s nothing better 🙂
Glad to hear you had such a great week! Hope the next one will be even better!
Thanks for the list of blog posts. Already read them all, except for the Budgets Are Sexy one. Must have missed that somehow.
Hope you have a lazy sunday,
Thanks for sharing some of these great weekend reads. I happen to love homemade food too and dabble in fruit preserves for fun. Have a great day!
Como habrás notado, me he quedado leyendo hasta el último de
los artículos que escribiste. Espero que esto te
sirva como motivación de que estás haciendo un trabajo muy bueno.
A nivel personal, soy amante de los buenos textos y me gusta proseguir
a las personas que poseen las habilidades
de transmitir experiencias mediante las palabras.
Por este motivo te dejo este comentario y para cerrar quisiera
decirte que me ha encantado poder llegar a tu sitio.
En hora buena!