This week has been another quiet one for us; Mr FC has been back at work so I’ve spent most of the week at home spending some quality time with DS. He is changing everyday and is now weight restored so the health visitor doesn’t have to come and weigh him every week from now on, which is such a relief. He’s getting properly chunky too, it’s lovely! The weather here as been a bit miserable this week with lots of rain and generally quite cold. I am trying to get out for a walk each day with DS in his pram, but it hasn’t been possible everyday this week. Cuddles on the sofa instead is a much preferred option 🙂
October continues to be good, money-wise, as I’m now up to 6 No Spend Days for the month so far. We don’t have much planned for the upcoming week so I should be able to get at least 3 NSDs, if not 4 or 5 in the next few days. I am going to start to look at Christmas presents, making a list and researching for various family members and close friends. I really like buying presents for other people; giving is one of life’s pleasures, that’s for sure. Money will be a bit tighter this year in terms of what we can spend on presents, but I’m going to try and spread the cost out a bit so it’s not so much of a spend all at once. This might not be very frugal of me, but I can’t wait to buy DS a little Christmas-y outfit for Christmas Day!
5 things I’ve enjoyed/been grateful for this week:
1) Happy, gurgling smiles from DS; it’s so adorable.
2) Sausages, mash and gravy; proper comfort food.
3) Likewise, apple crumble and custard.
4) The cooler evenings and darker nights; Autumn and Winter are my favourite seasons.
5) The continued support of family and friends; we are so grateful and lucky for those who surround us.
3 blog posts I’ve enjoyed this week:
1) I’m Fine… Could Be Better. What Should I Do? by Afford Anything. Such a motivational post! A reader question answered and lots of solid advice on what to do to be better at life.
2) September Online Income Report – $31,030 by Making Sense of Cents. Again, Michelle is killing it with her income this month, as this report shows. So inspirational!
3) Choose Your Own Financial Adventure by Blonde On A Budget. A very creative post based around the books we all read as children.
And, in case you’ve missed them, these are the topics I’ve posted about this week:
– The Ultimate Dream Fund Update – September 2015
– 8 Frugal Halloween Activities
What have you enjoyed reading this week? Any plans for the week ahead? I’d love to hear about it!
When I read on sausages, mash and gravy, it makes me crave for it Nicola. This week, I am sure I am gonna enjoy this comfort food.
Comfort food at it’s best 🙂