Happy Sunday! Are you up to anything today? We’re having a quiet day at home I think; Mr FC is feeling a bit under the weather so just needs a bit of a rest. Lots of playing with toys and spending time just relaxing sounds good to me. Well, as relaxing as it can be with two young children! 🙂
Did you have a good Christmas? Christmas for us was so lovely. Frugal Toddler definitely understands all about it now, and was so genuinely excited on Christmas morning. “Mummy, Father Christmas has been!!!” with lots of jumping up and down. That for me, just made Christmas. He was so happy and excited and impatient and everything else thrown on! Frugal Baby just enjoyed playing with the wrapping paper 🙂 I didn’t really ask for a lot for Christmas, but ended up receiving some lovely presents.
January has been quiet for us, especially this past week as Frugal Toddler has been to Center Parcs with his grandparents and had an amazing time. So, our house has been somewhat quieter 😉 but we have nothing else on particularly.
But, in exciting news, our extension starts in February! Now, don’t get me wrong, I am very anxious about how it is going to go with two young children and no kitchen in the mix, but I cannot wait for it all to be done. It is going to make our house so much more functional and a much better use of space.
5 things I’ve enjoyed/been grateful for this week:
1) Some time to myself – cannot remember the last time that happened!
2) Just how lucky my boys are.
3) I treated myself to a much needed facial with some of my birthday money.
4) Christmas cake and cheese.
5) Hot cups of tea 🙂
And, in case you’ve missed them, these are the topics I’ve posted about recently:
– Dividend Income December 2018 + Yearly Roundup
What have you enjoyed reading this week? Any plans for the week ahead? I’d love to hear about it!
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