Happy Sunday! Have you had a good week? It’s been a quiet one for us, which is not unusual. We went for a lovely walk at Richmond on Tuesday with my in laws, and they treated us for breakfast. Then yesterday we went to the same place with my parents and they treated us to lunch! It’s been a good food week 🙂
Finances wise, we haven’t spent a lot this week. I’m up to 5 NSDs for February, and today should be one too. I don’t think we have anything planned; we might go out for a walk at some point if the weather is okay. Nothing like some fresh air to tire out children! We don’t have to go far and it won’t cost us anything.
But, exciting news, I have added another two products to The Frugal Cottage shop! I have added a No Spend Day tracker and an Expense tracker, which are available to download now. These were part of my February aims so I can tick that one off 🙂 both printables are things I use every day to track our budget. Is there anything you would like to see in there?
5 things I’ve enjoyed/been grateful for this week:
1) Having both sets of parents who are just lovely.
2) Still plodding on with this book – it’s good.
3) Brownies and ice cream!
4) Getting out for a walk; made me feel much better.
5) Watching Frugal Baby navigate a slide at soft play – he was very pleased with himself 🙂
And, in case you’ve missed them, these are the topics I’ve posted about recently:
– Dividend Income January 2019
What have you enjoyed reading this week? Any plans for the week ahead? I’d love to hear about it!
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