Our building work continues to plod along. The builders started with the kitchen this week – finally! I cannot wait to be back in there cooking and being on a budget again and meal planning. I am fed up of shopping every day and living off microwave meals. It is not my idea of fun. By the end of Friday our kitchen looked like this:
It’s going to be beautiful when it’s all finished! I’m aiming to do a new kitchen video to put up on YouTube when it’s all done 🙂
Expenses wise, we are spending more than normal just because of how we are living day to day at the moment. But, I am trying my best and the end is definitely in sight. I’ve been updating my budget planner which helps. In fact, I’ll be uploading a new weekly budget update to YouTube later on this morning so don’t forget to check it out and subscribe!
However, I’ve been filling in my trusty NSD tracker to keep me update with my spending habits. It isn’t look as good as perhaps it should be at this stage of the month but I’m going to do my best to keep on track. July is definitely going to have to be a no spend month as we try and get out lives back to normal!
5 things I’ve enjoyed/been grateful for this week:
1) Watching my boys play together
2) Still plodding on with this book – it’s good.
3) Homemade tea loaf – yum.
4) Our new amazing fridge freezer arriving!
5) My family.
What have you enjoyed reading this week? Any plans for the week ahead? I’d love to hear about it!
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OMG 😀 Your new kitchen is already looking wonderful, can’t wait to see the finished look on You tube. Well done to all of you, living in total disruption is very stressful . It will all be worth it and you’ll enjoy it even more, especially when you are cooking delicious frugal meals for your family.