Our building work is so close to being finished! As of yesterday, I now have a lovely pale blush pink utility room and downstairs toilet 🙂 the only thing left to do is to have the kitchen painted, so hopefully by the end of the week it should be pretty much all done. I cannot wait! It’s going to be beautiful when it’s all finished! I’m aiming to do a new kitchen video to put up on YouTube when it’s all done
Expenses wise, we are trying to spend less and get back to having lots of NSDs during the week. I am still not used to only shopping once a week; it has been months since we’ve been able to do that! So I have had to pop into the shops a couple of days for extra milk or bread. But, the budget so far is fine and I’ve been updating my budget planner to reflect the spending I’m doing. In fact, I’ll be uploading a new weekly budget update to YouTube later on this morning so don’t forget to check it out and subscribe!
Finally, I have hit 1900 followers on Instagram which is great! I am loving the interactions over there at the moment. If you have an account, follow along 🙂
5 things I’ve enjoyed/been grateful for this week:
1) Watching my boys play together – playing with their trains 🙂
2) Still plodding on with this book – I’ve almost finished!
3) Homemade brownies with a cuppa, yum.
4) Our new kitchen. I am so happy about it.
5) My family.
What have you enjoyed reading this week? Any plans for the week ahead? I’d love to hear about it!
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