Today it should be quiet, though we’re off out this afternoon to Mr FC’s Aunty and Uncle’s house for tea, which should be nice. We haven’t seen them properly in a while, so it will be good to have a catch up with them, plus she always does really yummy food too which is always good!
The week has been quiet too; the weather hasn’t been too great so we have been at home a lot. Not that it means I’ve spent less – I really haven’t. I’ll have a YouTube video up later with my budget update for the week… it isn’t great.
Blog wise, I am plodding along! I am continuing to do lots of blogging work behind the scenes, including posting regularly on Instagram and filming for YouTube. I’d love it if you could join me on both platforms – I have lots of content planned for both! These are my favourite at the moment Also, did you see my post on Wednesday? I have created a plan plus a free printable for you to create a starter emergency fund – it’s been very popular since going up!
5 things I’ve enjoyed/been grateful for this week:
1) Having a playdate with one of Alfie’s friends – he loved having him at our house.
2) The day yesterday with him – priceless times together.
3) Seeing our boys play together 🙂
4) A rare day to myself on Wednesday!
5) My new cash envelopes – see here.
What have you enjoyed reading this week? Any plans for the week ahead? I’d love to hear about it!
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