It has also been helpful in terms of my spending as it has halted my spending in August. Mainly because my parents have paid for things but also we have done less. A bike ride out in the sunshine doesn’t cost anything 🙂 plus Alfie is gaining so much confidence on his bike now. He can really go whizzing along 🙂 I can’t believe how much he is changing – though he is ready to be back in his usual routine. 6 weeks is too long for a 4 year old!
Blog wise, I am plodding along! I am continuing to do lots of blogging work behind the scenes, including posting regularly on Instagram and filming for YouTube. I’d love it if you could join me on both platforms – I have lots of content planned for both! These are my favourite at the moment I have a new video up later today with my budget update for August.
5 things I’ve enjoyed/been grateful for this week:
1) Being with my Mum on her birthday.
2) Yummy food!
3) Seeing our boys play together
4) Walks out in the sunshine.
5) My new cash envelopes – see here.
What have you enjoyed reading this week? Any plans for the week ahead? I’d love to hear about it!
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