When I first set out the outline of this challenge, I forgot to consider two things. Firstly, that I would be off work for weeks 3 and 4, which makes it slightly trickier to gage the results. Secondly, that as I go through the pregnancy, I need to eat slightly more and at more frequent intervals than before. Not that I’m trying to make excuses!
However, I am fully prepared to admit that week 5 has been tough. It was tough from the get go on Monday, when I had to prise myself out of bed at 6:45am otherwise I’d be running late, which never makes the day go well. I knew it would be a hard week when I got about 4 hours sleep on Sunday night, worried I would sleep through my alarm. The rest of the week has gone by slowly, and has tested me at multiple times, so it’s been interesting to say the least!
As I posted on the original challenge, when I get tired and/or stressed, I succumb to unhealthy, fast food rather than my usual, planned meals. That includes both lunch time and dinner time, which means that spending patterns are established and therefore rise, and I eat more unhealthy food, which then gets into a vicious cycle.
I said I would say every time I was tempted by purchasing something from the work canteen or getting a takeaway and keep a tally of the number I would spend, if I indeed had done that. So, for Week 5, these are the numbers:
- Monday 13th April – I feel like I’ve been hit with a ton of bricks. Lack of sleep and trying to get back into the swing of things after a two week break means that I’m desperately craving a full size latte and blueberry muffin. In fact, all of the food! However, plod along with my soup and homemade orange cake for lunch instead. Money saved: £4.40
- Tuesday 14th April – another day where I hardly got any sleep and therefore am feeling decidedly grumpy about work/life on the whole. Again, craving a large latte but will make do with cups of tea made in our office. Money saved: £2.65
- Thursday 16th April – realise I’ve not bought half the ingredients I need for tonight’s tea and so try to make something out of the food we have in our house. This consists of: tin of tomatoes, tin of grapefruit segments, tin of chickpeas. No pasta/spaghetti left. Loaf of bread in the freezer. That’s pretty much it! Nightmare. So, me and husband end up going out for tea, which whilst lovely, ended up quite expensive. Money Spent: £28
So, definitely not the best week at all. Thursday’s nightmare made me quite angry to begin with; I can pretend to blame the “baby brain” for forgetting, but to be honest, there’s no excuse. On the way back from the pub, we popped in to buy the rest of the ingredients so I can make it tomorrow night instead. However, an expensive mistake. It was nice to go out with my husband and spend some time together, but we’re trying to reign in the spending at the moment, not go in the other direction!
But, if I add the total saved from weeks 1 and 2 (£28.05) plus the total from this week (£7.05) that already gives me £35.10 in money I could have easily spent instead. As I said in my weeks 1 and 2 roundup, all of the money saved during this challenge is going to be the start of our ultimate dream fund. Yes, it’s going to end up being a small amount, but we all have to start somewhere, right? At least the balance will no longer be zero!
Are you joining me with the Working Week Challenge? How are you finding it? I would love to hear from you in the comments!
Related post: The Working Week Challenge
Related post: The Working Week Challenge – Weeks 1 and 2
KnyttWytch says
If you are saving £10 per week rather than spending it then that looks like a success to be! Okay there was one hiccup, but hey we are human after all 😀
KnyttWytch says
sorry that should be success to ME not BE (dratted hands not working properly *grrr*)
Nicola says
That’s true – £10 a week is better than nothing 🙂
Jayson @ Monster Piggy Bank says
Yay! You’re on your week 5. I commend you determination and commitment Nicola. I see results in your £35.10. Good luck on the following weeks!
Nicola says
Thanks – it might be a relatively small number but over time it’ll add up 🙂