Happy Sunday! This week seems to have gone quite slowly, probably due to lack of sleep. Frugal Baby is not sleeping well and is up multiple times a night. So, lots of nights of interrupted sleep. It’s beginning to take its toll. However. we are trying our best to get into a good routine and do the same thing every time he wakes up, so that he knows that when it’s dark it’s time to be asleep. Easier said than done at 4am though when you’re shattered.
It’s also been a quiet week for us. Just the usual work and plodding along. I’m now 24 weeks pregnant! I can feel the baby move a fair bit which is lovely. I also feel like I’m expanding at a rapid rate. I suppose I am growing another human being 😉 I have been struggling a bit with back pain due to pregnancy so I treated myself to a back massage this week which was lovely. What a treat!
My No Spend Month Challenge is going well and people are discussing ideas and successes over in the Facebook Group that I have created for it. I’m so pleased that it is helping people 🙂
5 things I’ve enjoyed/been grateful for this week:
1) White chocolate seems to be my pregnancy craving this week [and I wonder why I feel so big!]
2) Whittard’s White Hot Chocolate is so amazing. I’m limiting myself as it’s quite expensive!
3) Having cuddles on the sofa with Frugal Baby; I need to make the most of these while he’s still willing.
4) Afternoon naps; a necessity at the moment.
5) Listening to the rain on our conservatory roof; I love the sound.
3 blog posts I’ve enjoyed reading this week:
1) Amaretto and Almond Chocolate Torte by delicious magazine. This is definitely going on my list of things to make when I’m not pregnant!
2) Meringues! by Each Little Step. These use an interesting ingredient which I will try next time 🙂
3) Save Money, Fewer Preservatives by Down To Earth. I love Rhonda’s blog for homesteading inspiration.
And, in case you’ve missed them, these are the topics I’ve posted about this week:
– The Ultimate Dream Fund Update – August 2017
What have you enjoyed reading this week? Any plans for the week ahead? I’d love to hear about it!
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Thanks for linking to my blog! Hope you get some decent sleep soon!